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The end of August saw our annual volunteering day and this year we decided to hold one big day for everyone. We returned to Elm Tree Farm for the 4th time since launching our Employee Volunteering days back in 2018.
Elm Tree Farm is a real working farm that is dedicated to supporting adults with learning disabilities. From guinea pigs to farm animals, and from cut flowers to fruit and veg, the farm provides a range of produce and support for the community. 80 people with learning disabilities rely on the Farm to provide meaningful activities that promote wellbeing and help them gain transferable work skills.
We split into 2 groups, one was asked to paint the Quiet Room which was in desperate need of a refresh and the other group was put to work on the market garden. After coats of new paint and many weeds pulled to reveal a beautiful paved path, both teams finished their tasks for the day before visiting the lovely farm shop.
We’ve seen so many changes over the 4 years that we’ve been visiting and it’s amazing to see what we can help with every time.